Thursday, February 3, 2011

Visit to Houston

We drove down to Houston this past Sunday and stayed there over night.It was about a 4 hour drive. We had a consultation on Monday morning with Dr Oluteyah who is the Pediatrics Surgeon/Co Director of the fetal center there at Texas Children Hospital Fetal Center. The reason for the visit was to see if we could find a team that could provide the best treatment and care for our son Maddox.  Dr. Oluteyah was extremely nice and patiently answered all of our questions. He also explained further on the condition and was more detailed on the treatments that are available for Maddox. Most importantly Dr Oluteyah stated that he will do all he can to uphold our Bible base beliefs and we felt that he sincerely respects that. And that’s what we have wanted to hear. They have a close knit team that specializes with CDH. (I'll explain later on another entry the details on this condition and how it's affecting Maddox) They deal with about 22 - 23 cases of CDH a year (which is more than Dallas Children Medical center handles). We believe that this visit was a successful one. We left there with a sense of hope and confidence that Maddox would get the best care and treatment at Texas Children. This is something we have been praying for.

This decision is not an easy one as we both will need to relocate in Houston for about 3 to 4 months. Of course we won't be working down there. The doctor strongly recommends that we should be in Houston around 36 weeks, since Maddox can come at any time between 36 - 40 weeks. And the additional 2 or 3 months will be the time that Maddox  will be in the hospital. And much much more we have to factor into making this decision. But our main concern is that for our son Maddox. We pray each and every day that his lungs grow and that we will get through this. We know that this Lil' man will be a fighter as soon as he gets here!!
We will pray earnestly regarding this huge decision making and we will have to decide by the end of this week. Please continue to pray for Maddox. : )

Below is the link that you can watch and read.
The first link is about a Witness couple who had a son who had CDH along with being a premature baby. Dr. Oluteyah was able to perform the surgery without blood!  This is the story that drew us down to Houston for the consultation with Dr Oluteyah. Amazing and touching story!!

This link is the same doctors who perform fetal surgery! Just shows the high level of skills these doctors have!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We're praying for little Maddox and hoping his lungs keep growing!! Love you!
